What is MileMarker®?
Developed by surgeons for surgeons from Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland, MileMarker® is an easy-to-use, web-based assessment software to help drive efficiencies in medical training. By turning the old attending-driven model of assessment on its head – and enabling residents to initiate assessments themselves – MileMarker® shortens feedback loops enabling more personalized and adaptive learning which increases communication and training efficiency across an entire program.

For Program Directors
Increase efficiency and lower the cost of trainee evaluation while enabling on-the-job, real-time performance assessments for procedure-based training focused on mastering competencies.

For Faculty
In a matter of minutes, review and approve the resident’s self-assessment and map the case to the relevant treatment area and ACGME milestone to quickly provide valuable feedback.

For Residents
Take control of your training and initiate assessments after every case for quicker feedback from attendings, empowering you to focus on improvement areas and achieve mastery faster.

Mobility Enabled
MileMarker® is accessible on any smartphone, tablet or computer enabling residents to quickly input assessments post-procedure, efficiently capturing relevant learnings.

Resident Driven
With residents responsible for inputting assessments, attendings can efficiently review and provide feedback without spending hours away from other patient-focused tasks.

Semi-Annual Assessment Integration
MileMarker® assists with generation of 6-month evaluations of ACGME Milestones.

Accurate Data for Program Assessments
MileMarker® data has been validated to ensure reliability in analyzing resident performance, enabling programs to conduct internal quality assessment and improvement initiatives.